ER-ITN 2018 Updates and the 2017 Storm Season
/The new year is finally upon us and we can say goodbye to 2017 and the second worst hurricane season on record for the mainland U.S. We we're extremely fortunate in Mississippi and Louisiana that we only experienced major closures as a result of a small portion of Hurricane Harvey and a weak Hurricane Nate. Despite this, we may not be so lucky in 2018 and need to ensure we are prepared in case a strong storm chooses to shift direction straight up the Gulf Coast.
The below information includes updates for ER-ITN in 2018 and some basic information on the 2017 storm season that can help put it in perspective.
ER-ITN 2018 Updates
Monthly Newsletter - Our Newsletter will now being going out monthly to organizations starting next Monday! (January 15th)
National Emergency Access Program Effort - DHS/FEMA have now supported a new national effort which will help ER-ITN's region and two other regional programs across the nation!
New Support Services - ER-ITN will be using additional support services this year to help ensure that all organizations receive excellent support
2017 Storm Season Recap
2017 Storm Events effecting Louisiana/Mississippi: Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Nate, Tropical Storm Cindy
Total Activation Time in Louisiana/Mississippi: 17 Days of Activation
Total Private or Public Personnel Checked-In or Out of Area: 9,672
We we're extremely fortunate that we did receive the brunt of the disaster in 2017. However, in 2018 anything could happen and we need to be prepared to ensure that all organizations understand their business continuity and resiliency plans during a disaster